AVT Town Hall
For this project, my fellow classmates and I produced the Town Hall meeting that was broadcasted for other students to watch. I worked as the A1/A2 for the production, making sure that the audio levels were good. Before the production went live, I did a rough gain staging for the two guest speakers and then adjusted their levels throughout the production, ensuring that everything sounded good for the audience.
I think there were a couple of issues that we experienced though. The biggest one being that we had some trouble lighting the set due to the contrasting colors of the clothes that the talent was wearing. We also noticed that we were repeating the same camera shots over and over again. We can't really fix the lighting without changing how the talent looks on stage. As a result, we went with what we thought looks best.
If I had the chance to do this project again, I think I'd start with making the lights slightly brighter. I would also change where the microphones were placed so they would be less visible on camera. In terms of camera shots, we could have given the camera operators more freedom with their shots and movements.
I think our class did fairly well when compared to those that came before us. We had good graphics, good video quality, good audio, and an overall good production. Overall, I think we did a really good job with the whole production. Things went smoothly, there was good communication, everyone worked together well, and the final video turned out really good.